Tuesday, November 18, 2008

wah..what a tired 2 days..omg..the two siao men=davis and jason came my house and ton..at first see jason like going to die liao..didnt know he was so siao...lol..

oh ya..got 3 more people who came to my house but left at around nearing 12mn=kunhow,jolyn,khaifang..
then after sending them home..me jason and davis went 7 eleven..lol..then buy some NECESSITIES for the night..
and the stupid combination of pepsi twist and tom yam cup noodles made my whole stomach went really siao..lol..

then we were like doing math papers..then we gave up..cuz it totally suck..then we continued talking crap..lol..then proceeded on with ps2..lol..the two siao men were like crazy..then keep laughing..then i already damn sian liao..then plus my stomach were like argh!then they chiong till 4 plus am then we kept the things and went to sleep.

stupid 'singer' davis kept singing..then me and jason got irritated then use bolster whack him until he gave up..lol..
then slept for like 5 hours.then woke up and went to dhoby ghuat to eat and play arcade and lan..

then kunhow and jiawei called to come my house..then in the end..kunhow and jiawei in my sis room dont know do what=x.ahem!!what they did is entirely up to your imagination!!lols!
then me davis and jason played ps2 in the other room.
then they all went home at around 6.30pm..

then followed kunhow and jiawei to hougang mall..halfway i bluff them say i algihted lerh..then they really believed..then after reaching hougang mall.i was like walking behind them all the time yet they didnt see me..too engrossed in each other???lols..then they seperated..i went after kunhow ask him then he tell me he going home..wtf?!then i had to take bus back all the way to eunos for nothing!!
tada..done!!and im shaq..

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