Friday, January 16, 2009 as usual went to school..chem test for me was a total failure..i think i sure fail..sure..i didnt really study...only like read not hardworking at all..i dont study..ultimate slacker..everytime i tell people..they dont believe i dont face just look like a freaking loser..those kind suck in academic..very hard to believe i dont study??hahs..yupp kinda diff to believe for me..lolss.. to comment..there's one particular person..i feel for..but i find it very diff for me to talk to that person..everytime i look at that person..i just dont know how to open my mouth..just to even say 'hellos'..i wished for vey long to be able to talk to that person..but...nah..hadnt been able too..that person perhaps dont want me to talk to him/her..sometimes that person just look i even exist in that person's vision?a smile from me seems so difficult to deliver.very difficult.i dont know why..but it just simply seems so..i will try..and i will do it..but will that person allow me to do so?will that person accept me talking to him/her?
im lost..just hope that person dont see this post and think that i am irritating or sth and avoid me..
anyways.just back from band..carrying the drum and keep playing non-stop cause me to ache in my back..aww..cant even raise my right hand..yupp..this week ended..hoping for a better week next week..once again,to all my friends..takecare..

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