Saturday, January 24, 2009

hmms..friday was ruined!!nvm.erm..yupp planned to go out with friends,but sth was just said to cause it to cancel..yupp then was like day plan messed up..didnt know what to do..went to eat lunch then actually want go ug outing lerh..but cant contact them..
i totally regretted it luh..should not have decline..good friends were there..and best of all..beach soccer.missed it..must go for next ug outing luh..sorry ug peeps..i promise will go for next of i can..really wanna spent time with you guys...organise one soon..
hahs..yupp..erm nvm..can still see the pictures though it makeme freaking jealous..but yesterday went jamming with jason they all..awesome kids..was quite a good experience..yupp..will post soon...hereby ,if i dont get the chance to post tmr..yupp happy chinese new year to all!takecare!

nice decision made there girl..

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